What If . . . ? The Art of the Pivot

art of pivot

When we want something, why is it so easy to actually drive it away instead of nurturing it into reality?

Attracting anything into being involves three key ingredients: Desire (aka Passion), Belief (aka Faith) and Action.  Most people can unconsciously manifest with only two of the three, but a true master of manifestation can consciously manifest from desire alone.

For example, if you have an intense desire for something (or someone) and go forth toward attaining it with great passion, enthusiasm and anticipation of how absolutely FANTASTIC it will feel to have it, you’ll often get it with minimal or no effort. If you’ve ever fantasized about having the perfect job, perfect vacation or perfect lover – provided the job, destination and person were real and specific – you know what I mean!

Your obsessive focus and passion on what you wanted completely pushed away any doubt or fear that you wouldn’t or couldn’t get it, while simultaneously greasing the skids for the universe to deliver it to your doorstep with minimal or no effort on your part. And if there was any action required (perhaps you had to work up the gumption to proposition your intended, or book a flight, or endure that third interview), chances are your passion was the rocket fuel needed to easily overcome any momentary fear and trepidation you might have felt at the moment of leaping.

Chances are, focusing on your desire felt so damn good that it didn’t matter whether or not there was much if any evidence of it coming true. As long as there was

Lessons on Being Yourself

lesson on being yourself

Once upon a time, a luminous energetic being (you) was born into the body of a human baby. As disorienting as the process was, it felt miraculous. In those first few moments of your life as a person you had no self-awareness. You were simply being.

As the initial days and weeks of your life on Earth passed, you experienced the limitations and demands of your human body. It needed sustenance every few hours. It needed rest in the form of sleep. And it absolutely loved to be touched, held, spoken and sang to by other humans much bigger than you.

After a few months, you became dimly aware that you had some sort of identity – a label you heard people referring to as a “name”, a “gender”, and an “age” or some combination thereof. Soon you began to associate these labels with yourself.

Years passed, and for most of them you joyously lived in the moment. There was so much to explore on Planet Earth! So many

Burning Down the House

burning down the house


There inevitably comes a time on any journey when you question everything you know.  Everything.

First, there’s the healthy questioning of what you were taught growing up.  By this I mean the belief systems you were conditioned with — the result of religions, cultures, schools, races, rules, or even simply your generation.  This is normal and natural since as we mature, our direct experience either does or does not align with these beliefs to support them and as the world changes, such beliefs either do or do not stand the test of time.

When direct experience doesn’t align or worse yet, is wildly contradictory to what we were taught, we realize such beliefs are someone else’s truth (or possibly even a complete lie) rather than our own.  Most of us learn to trust our direct experience instead and build on that.

A personal life philosophy can work well for a while.  Our seeking, searching, and questioning will eventually lead to answers, and direct experience will usually support our new found beliefs based on those answers.  Until one day it doesn’t.  That’s when you might arrive at a deeper, scarier, lonlier level of questioning.

I’m talking about that level of questioning.  Yeah, the level you get to when you think, “What if all this I now believe to be true actually isn’t?”

In other words, “What I’m wrong? What if I think I have it all figured out and I don’t? What if it’s all wrong? What if what I now hold dear that made sense five minutes ago is all hocus?”

The following brief parable emailed to me by a friend brought this up:

When You Hate the Human Experience

spiritual coaching

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Today, I hate the human experience.  Today I curse the day I decided to take form in this body, live this life.  Why? What possessed me to come and do this now? Again?

I want to disappear. Vaporize into pure spirit. Go back to the before.  I want to float out of my body and drift weightlessly, boundlessly free of the emotions that surge through it.

I desperately want to unite with the all-encompassing bliss I was lucky enough, once – just once – to feel after a weekend spiritual retreat.  The warming, flooding perfect joy that shuts out all else; that is pure love, or God, or whatever you choose to call it.  I want THAT again. Now.  But it eludes me.

Today after my husband finds fault with me yet again after I feel I’ve tried so hard to change I feel like giving up.  Today after my business isn’t where I want it to be after six years I feel like throwing in the towel.  Today after yelling